Macleay Valley Business Chamber
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Kempsey NSW


Macleay Valley Business Chamber is a business support organisation that represents, informs and connects the local business community.

The Chamber advocates on behalf of members to help protect business interests in Kempsey and beyond, promote a positive and strong economy and provide a secure future for the Macleay Valley.

The Macleay Valley has undergone many progressive changes in recent years that continue to enhance the lifestyle and prosperity of our region and at the same time retain our region’s natural assets that are the foundation of our traditional farming and tourism industries. 

Businesses with established reputations, new dynamic start-ups, family businesses and national and multinational interests are increasingly focusing on the Macleay Valley and its unique position in the Mid North Coast NSW economy. 

We invite you to become a participating member of the Macleay Valley Business Chamber as we work together to build confidence, business acumen and strengthen networks all squarely aimed at increasing the Macleay’s business growth and economic development. 


News from the Chamber

  • MVBC November Newsletter
    Catch up on the latest Chamber news in the November Newsletter!  Read here: November Newsletter
  • November 2024 Networking Event & AGM
    Annual General Meeting NoticeThe Annual General Meeting for the Macleay Valley Business Chamber will be held on Wednesday 27th November 2024 at The Kempsey Golf Club, arrival from 5:30pm with the meeting commencing 6pm.The business of the Annual General Meeting is to include the following:(a) to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any special general meeting hel...

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